Download test data from RQM
4 answers
Is there a way to download test data as csv files other then going to All Test Data in RQM? Can e.g. RQMUrlutility be used?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Yes you should be able to do this via the RQMUrlUtility. First you need to identify the URL for the test data you are interested in. You can do so via the datapool artifact type expose through the RQM REST API ( ). Then you need to do a GET on that specific datapool. Then you need to get the attachment element from the XML of that datapool and do a GET on that attachment. The commands would look something like this:
java -classpath RQMUrlUtility.jar -command GET -filepath DP_List.xml -user ADMIN -password ADMIN -url https://localhost:9443/jazz/secure/service/
java -classpath RQMUrlUtility.jar -command GET -filepath My_DP.xml -user ADMIN -password ADMIN -url https://localhost:9443/jazz/service/
java -classpath RQMUrlUtility.jar -command GET -filepath My_DP -user ADMIN -password ADMIN -url https://localhost:9443/jazz/service/
That last get should get the same CSV file that you uploaded to RQM when you created the Test Data in RQM UI.
How if the test assets (test cases, test scripts) were created in RQM (not by uploading csv files)?
That last get should get the same CSV file that you uploaded to RQM
The only solution I identified is:
1. Use RQMULRUtility to retrieve the feed in XML.
2. Parse the above XML to get data want to be displayed in csv.
3. Create a csv file using the above data.
You can use various way to do the step2, but it's a XML development.
Is there any other way to do this job?
How if the test assets (test cases, test scripts) were created in RQM (not by uploading csv files)?
The only solution I identified is:
1. Use RQMULRUtility to retrieve the feed in XML.
2. Parse the above XML to get data want to be displayed in csv.
3. Create a csv file using the above data.
You can use various way to do the step2, but it's a XML development.
Is there any other way to do this job?