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Incoming vs outgoing changes and merge

Luca Martinucci (1.0k397112) | asked Apr 21 '11, 11:15 a.m.
I have another question about incoming and outgoing changes.
Suppose a file has been modified both locally and remotely: it will appear under both outgoing and incoming changes.
A customer told me that under incoming changes you can see both the local and the remote version, and under the outgoing only the remote: in each case those versions are displayed as read-only.
This means that no merge functions are available, and that the only option is to override either the local or the remote version.
Am I right or there's something I am missing?
Thanks in advance.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Apr 21 '11, 12:04 p.m.
I'm not sure what the customer had in mind when they told you that.
In order to merge changes, you just accept the incoming changes.

If there are any conflicts, those files in conflict will be listed in
the "Unresolved" folder. You can then resolve those conflicts by:
- requesting a "merge", which opens up the merge tool of your choice
- request to resolve the conflict with "mine" (the same as running a
merge, and always picking the change in the "outgoing" file)
- request to resolve the conflict with "proposed" (the same as running a
merge, and always picking the change from the "incoming" file).
- suspend/discard one of the change sets that caused the conflict.


On 4/21/2011 11:23 AM, lumar wrote:
I have another question about incoming and outgoing changes.
Suppose a file has been modified both locally and remotely: it will
appear under both outgoing and incoming changes.
A customer told me that under incoming changes you can see both the
local and the remote version, and under the outgoing only the remote:
in each case those versions are displayed as read-only.
This means that no merge functions are available, and that the only
option is to override either the local or the remote version.
Am I right or there's something I am missing?
Thanks in advance.
Luca Martinucci selected this answer as the correct answer

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