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BIRT requirement for RTC 3.0

Milan Krivic (98013176143) | asked Apr 06 '11, 11:49 a.m.
Can someone tell me which report engine RTC 3.0 uses, and where can I find this information?
In RTC 3.0 client, I am trying to open some report design files developed in RTC client, but I am getting some error message:

The opening design file is not valid design file or file does not exist.


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James Moody (3.3k24) | answered Apr 07 '11, 7:26 a.m.
Can someone tell me which report engine RTC 3.0 uses, and where can I find this information?
In RTC 3.0 client, I am trying to open some report design files developed in RTC client, but I am getting some error message:

The opening design file is not valid design file or file does not exist.


Hi Milan,

The requirements for RTC 3.0 (and upcoming release) are listed here on the wiki:

I recommend downloading exactly the zip files linked in that wiki page.

RTC Reports Team Lead

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