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[Help]Job is always waiting

qiu saphen (27126039) | asked Mar 14 '11, 7:18 a.m.
I am newer to Build Forge, I create two engine servers for bf, the connection status looks well.
But my job which is created through a project is always waiting statu...
I have created 10 build jobs, and they are waiting..
Have I missed any configuration ?
How can I build my "Hello world" job through BF?

# IBM Rational Build Forge Agent Configuration File
# Please consult the Installation Guide for instructions.

activity_log /tmp/bfagent.log
#allow 192.168. ::1 fe80:
#ccviewroot /view
#cygwin_script_magic #!/bin/bash
#command_output_cache 16384
#extensions /usr/local/bin/
#lang en
#locale en_US.UTF-8
#magic_login build:eca0b7f2f4fbf110f7df570c70df844e1658744a4871934a
#map X:=//computer/share;Z:=//computer/share(username,password)
#port 5555
#read_timeout 1800
#shell /bin/sh
#shellflag -f

# Note: If using SSL, create or obtain PEM keystores from engine and set the proper key password.
#ssl_key_location /usr/local/bin/buildForgeKey.pem
#ssl_key_password <password>
#ssl_cert_location /usr/local/bin/buildForgeCert.pem
#ssl_ca_location /usr/local/bin/buildForgeCA.pem
#ssl_protocol TLSv1
#ssl_cipher_group ALL
#ssl_cipher_override <cipher_list>
#ssl_client_authentication true

# Note: If using password encryption, see "Export Key File" in console to obtain keys in bfpwcrypt.conf.
#password_encrypt_module ./bfcrypt.dll;./bfpwcrypt.conf

update_path /usr/local/bin/bfagent

3 answers

permanent link
John Wang (1011612) | answered Mar 14 '11, 8:08 a.m.
I am newer to Build Forge, I create two engine servers for bf, the connection status looks well.
But my job which is created through a project is always waiting statu...
I have created 10 build jobs, and they are waiting..
Have I missed any configuration ?
How can I build my "Hello world" job through BF?

# IBM Rational Build Forge Agent Configuration File
# Please consult the Installation Guide for instructions.

activity_log /tmp/bfagent.log
#allow 192.168. ::1 fe80:
#ccviewroot /view
#cygwin_script_magic #!/bin/bash
#command_output_cache 16384
#extensions /usr/local/bin/
#lang en
#locale en_US.UTF-8
#magic_login build:eca0b7f2f4fbf110f7df570c70df844e1658744a4871934a
#map X:=//computer/share;Z:=//computer/share(username,password)
#port 5555
#read_timeout 1800
#shell /bin/sh
#shellflag -f

# Note: If using SSL, create or obtain PEM keystores from engine and set the proper key password.
#ssl_key_location /usr/local/bin/buildForgeKey.pem
#ssl_key_password <password>
#ssl_cert_location /usr/local/bin/buildForgeCert.pem
#ssl_ca_location /usr/local/bin/buildForgeCA.pem
#ssl_protocol TLSv1
#ssl_cipher_group ALL
#ssl_cipher_override <cipher_list>
#ssl_client_authentication true

# Note: If using password encryption, see "Export Key File" in console to obtain keys in bfpwcrypt.conf.
#password_encrypt_module ./bfcrypt.dll;./bfpwcrypt.conf

update_path /usr/local/bin/bfagent

check the the BF log file file located <BF>/.

It might say something with DB connection error.

permanent link
qiu saphen (27126039) | answered Mar 14 '11, 9:02 a.m.
I can not find BF log file from <BF>/.

check the the BF log file file located <BF>/.

It might say something with DB connection error.

permanent link
qiu saphen (27126039) | answered Mar 14 '11, 9:40 a.m.
This is because buildforge process is not up...

I can not find BF log file from <BF>/.

check the the BF log file file located <BF>/.

It might say something with DB connection error.

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