Seeing Deleted Files in Repository
One of the benefits of using a source control management tool is in the fact that all history is kept around for later use, including files that have been deleted at some point. But I can't seem to figure out how to be able to view deleted files/directories in a project, when I don't know what changeset deleted them.
When viewing the repository, is there any way to tell it to show you everything, including deleted files/directories?
When viewing the repository, is there any way to tell it to show you everything, including deleted files/directories?
2 answers
I don't believe that is possible with RTC currently.
I've submitted work item 154308 to provide this functionality.
On 2/21/2011 1:38 PM, dlwester wrote:
I've submitted work item 154308 to provide this functionality.
On 2/21/2011 1:38 PM, dlwester wrote:
One of the benefits of using a source control management tool is in
the fact that all history is kept around for later use, including
files that have been deleted at some point. But I can't seem to
figure out how to be able to view deleted files/directories in a
project, when I don't know what changeset deleted them.
When viewing the repository, is there any way to tell it to show you
everything, including deleted files/directories?