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RTC-BF Integration : Control over the BF result polling

Vincent Lim (4694) | asked Feb 18 '11, 12:26 p.m.

This question is either fish or fowl. Hope I post it in the right forum.

We have integrated RTC 3.0 with BF However, in running the BF projects from the RTC, the completion status in RTC for the BF projects is completed but red crossed.

On the BF side, the jobs have completed successfully.

Further analysis shows that connection to the BF server has been lost as the the RTC build job which is polling the BF server asynchronously flooded the network.

Is there anyway to adjust the polling interval?

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Brent Ulbricht (2.5k11) | answered Feb 18 '11, 4:16 p.m.

This question is either fish or fowl. Hope I post it in the right forum.

We have integrated RTC 3.0 with BF However, in running the BF projects from the RTC, the completion status in RTC for the BF projects is completed but red crossed.

On the BF side, the jobs have completed successfully.

Further analysis shows that connection to the BF server has been lost as the the RTC build job which is polling the BF server asynchronously flooded the network.

Is there anyway to adjust the polling interval?


You can change the polling interval by navigating to the Advanced Properties setting for your Jazz server. The following URL will take you to the log in screen (of course, you'll need to supply your host).


Click the link for 'Advanced Properties' in the left column and scroll down to the 'Rational Build Forge Services Layer' section. There are two polling properties that have a default value of 15.

Brent Ulbricht
Developer/Lead - RTC Build

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