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Count of Items

Stephen Costanzo (1623) | asked Dec 28 '11, 12:55 p.m.
There doesn't appear to be a way to get a count of items using the query tool.

For instance, I would like to know how many defects i have whose severity is Major and its priority is High. To do this currently, i need to execute a query and then export it to Excel and do a pivot table for that information.

Is there a way to do this in RTC that I can then export to CSV or XLS?

Thank you

5 answers

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Kim Soederhamn (1.5k24348) | answered Dec 29 '11, 4:38 a.m.
There doesn't appear to be a way to get a count of items using the query tool.

For instance, I would like to know how many defects i have whose severity is Major and its priority is High. To do this currently, i need to execute a query and then export it to Excel and do a pivot table for that information.

Is there a way to do this in RTC that I can then export to CSV or XLS?

Thank you

Hi constanzo,

I'm not sure exactly what your trying to do but as I see it you have a number of options.

1) If you create your query to run only major or high severity at a time you will get the total number of results for your query. (displaying 0-25 out of 98 for example)

2) you can create a widget in your dashboard using the workitem statistics widget (the last one under workitems) then use severity as the parameter and you will get the count for your query for each severity - this can also be done in a report.

3) create your own birt report.

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Stephen Costanzo (1623) | answered Dec 29 '11, 11:56 a.m.
There doesn't appear to be a way to get a count of items using the query tool.

For instance, I would like to know how many defects i have whose severity is Major and its priority is High. To do this currently, i need to execute a query and then export it to Excel and do a pivot table for that information.

Is there a way to do this in RTC that I can then export to CSV or XLS?

Thank you

Hi constanzo,

I'm not sure exactly what your trying to do but as I see it you have a number of options.

1) If you create your query to run only major or high severity at a time you will get the total number of results for your query. (displaying 0-25 out of 98 for example)

2) you can create a widget in your dashboard using the workitem statistics widget (the last one under workitems) then use severity as the parameter and you will get the count for your query for each severity - this can also be done in a report.

3) create your own birt report.


I was hoping for a similar functionality I had with CQ where I could create a query that provided the count itself without having to create a BIRT report. I just added the widget you specified and it gives me what I need, just wish i could export the data.

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Kim Soederhamn (1.5k24348) | answered Dec 30 '11, 4:00 a.m.
There doesn't appear to be a way to get a count of items using the query tool.

For instance, I would like to know how many defects i have whose severity is Major and its priority is High. To do this currently, i need to execute a query and then export it to Excel and do a pivot table for that information.

Is there a way to do this in RTC that I can then export to CSV or XLS?

Thank you

Hi constanzo,

I'm not sure exactly what your trying to do but as I see it you have a number of options.

1) If you create your query to run only major or high severity at a time you will get the total number of results for your query. (displaying 0-25 out of 98 for example)

2) you can create a widget in your dashboard using the workitem statistics widget (the last one under workitems) then use severity as the parameter and you will get the count for your query for each severity - this can also be done in a report.

3) create your own birt report.


I was hoping for a similar functionality I had with CQ where I could create a query that provided the count itself without having to create a BIRT report. I just added the widget you specified and it gives me what I need, just wish i could export the data.

If you click any of your columns in the widget it takes you to those exact result. and you can export them if you whish ? Hope that helps

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Jia Jia Li (8058157192) | answered Dec 30 '11, 7:40 a.m.
I ensure this it query result work item count number in the WorkItem View.....

Like "Found 190 work items - query name"

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Jia Jia Li (8058157192) | answered Dec 30 '11, 7:41 a.m.
I ensure there is the query result work item count in WorkItem view

Just like : Found 190 work items - queryname

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