What is the best way to store a password for a script?
3 answers
I have a script that requires userid and password to execute. What is the best way to store and retrieve it in BF?
You could store the userid as a normal variable and the password as a hidden variable.
To set a hidden variable you must select the "Assign Hidden" option in the Action dropdown list
I have a script that requires userid and password to execute. What is the best way to store and retrieve it in BF?
Hi John,
When I have a script to run that requires a password, I typically create an environment variable with the 'Action' set to 'Assign Hidden' and 'On Project' set to 'Suppress Display'.
You job log will have a few statements indicating that a hidden variable was detected and prevent it from being displayed in the Build Forge logs.
201 02/17/11 07:00AM EXEC Performing variable expansion on command line
202 02/17/11 07:00AM EXEC Variable expansion skipped: Hidden Variable (SCRIPT_PASSWORD) detected
Brent Ulbricht
Developer/Lead - RTC Build