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newbie cannot find scm command-line tool

Michael Burr (111) | asked Feb 07 '11, 9:53 p.m.
I'm new to RTC & trying to accomplish some automation in our development environments. From the documentation, it looks like the scm command line tool is what I need, but after downloading and searching through every "client" package I could find on the downloads page I'm ready to swear it doesn't exist. Could some kind soul out there point me in the right direction before I go bonkers?


3 answers

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Shashikant Padur (4.3k27) | answered Feb 07 '11, 10:58 p.m.
scm command line tool is at <rtc_installation_dir>/scmtools/eclipse/. Run 'lscm help' to list all the commands supported by the cli tool.

I'm new to RTC & trying to accomplish some automation in our development environments. From the documentation, it looks like the scm command line tool is what I need, but after downloading and searching through every "client" package I could find on the downloads page I'm ready to swear it doesn't exist. Could some kind soul out there point me in the right direction before I go bonkers?


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Michael Burr (111) | answered Feb 08 '11, 9:48 a.m.
scm command line tool is at <rtc_installation_dir>/scmtools/eclipse/. Run 'lscm help' to list all the commands supported by the cli tool.

Thanks for the reply. At the risk of sounding stupid, I installed the "Client for Eclipse 3.5.x (Extension Install)" and cannot find this scmtools directory anywhere in the zip file. Do I perhaps need to install the server package or one of the other client packages to get the CLI?


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Michael Burr (111) | answered Feb 08 '11, 2:39 p.m.
scm command line tool is at <rtc_installation_dir>/scmtools/eclipse/. Run 'lscm help' to list all the commands supported by the cli tool.

Found it -- "Client for Eclipse IDE" zip file.

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