Is it possible to restrict a subset of users to community?
2 answers
On 2/7/2011 2:08 PM, vfertig wrote:
Each community needs to do it. If a community gives "Registered User"
any entitlements then any valid user will have those entitlements.
Each community would need to make sure that they don't set any role on
"Any user" or "registered user" and must instead do only explicit
assignment of roles to users or user groups.
Rich Kulp
Rational Asset Manager developer
Is it possible to take a subset of users that are identifiable by LDAP
or through an LDAP group and give them permission to view only a
single community or limited number of communities?
Can a repository administrator set this up?
Each community needs to do it. If a community gives "Registered User"
any entitlements then any valid user will have those entitlements.
Each community would need to make sure that they don't set any role on
"Any user" or "registered user" and must instead do only explicit
assignment of roles to users or user groups.
Rich Kulp
Rational Asset Manager developer