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Setup stuck at "Loading configuration settings..."

James Labrie (18123818) | asked Jan 18 '11, 4:40 a.m.

I'm now setting following environment.

WebSphere Application Server
RTC 3.0

I installed JTS and am doing setup, but at step2, which is "Configure Public URI", it does not proceed with the message "Loading configuration settings...".

What is considered the cause of this?
And could anyone let me know how to solve this problem?


12 answers

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Daniel Chirillo (1801823) | answered Aug 25 '12, 5:00 p.m.
For me, the culprit was not configuring WAS to Use available authentication data when an unprotected URI is accessed.    Step 3 at the top of:

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Nicolas Constans (22723) | answered Jan 18 '11, 6:32 a.m.
Hello, I am facing the exact same problem.
Any help on this topic would be greatly appreciated :)


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Pierre Pellet (11) | answered Jan 19 '11, 7:53 a.m.
Same symptom running RTCz (on z/OS) with Tomcat (no WAS) and Derby (no DB2) & JAVA 6.0
Any hint on this issue ? Many thanks in advance

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Nicolas Constans (22723) | answered Jan 19 '11, 8:09 a.m.
OK, we managed to solve the issue by:

- stopping everything and clearing the WAS temp directory
- adding this entry to every file:"\://<SERVER_NAME>\:9443/jts"
- running again jts/setup


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K p (611216) | answered Jan 19 '11, 10:12 a.m.
OK, we managed to solve the issue by:

- stopping everything and clearing the WAS temp directory
- adding this entry to every file:"\://<SERVER_NAME>\:9443/jts"
- running again jts/setup


Im having same problem. I did tried adding above property, But no luck.

Any suggestions on this to solve this issue?


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Pierre Pellet (11) | answered Jan 20 '11, 9:03 a.m.
Hi buddies,
Found a typo in the JTS batch JCL script, where I had typed "export JAZZ_HOME=:etc/jazz" rather than "export JAZZ_HOME=/etc/jazz/"

Strange enough, the server did not complain about that mistake.

Fixing the typo, then restarting the server allowed to resume setup OK.


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Maksim Marholin (313) | answered Feb 02 '11, 7:49 a.m.
I had the same problem. I've update WAS to and installed the latest Java fix pack. Also, I use Nicolas instruction and restarted all servers. The problem was solved.

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John Vasta (2.6k15) | answered Feb 02 '11, 8:58 a.m.
I just want to note, for the benefit of those who may find this topic when searching for similar problems, that it appears fairly common that when upgrading applications deployed in WAS, the undeploy process does not clean up all the old bits of the application. Then when the new applications are deployed, you end up with a mix of old and new bits, and that causes problems.

We have a tech note on this issue at

The manual cleanup recommendation is also mentioned in the "upgrading" section of the documentation at

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Robert Elliott (101116) | answered Feb 14 '11, 2:13 p.m.
I am installing a new instance of RTC 3.0 on WebSphere 7 and db2 on RH Linux 5 and have run into this same problem. I have tried installing it according to a variety of instructions and attempted the workarounds mentioned above. I am still stuck. Any other ideas?

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Michael Toole (31168) | answered Aug 10 '11, 9:43 a.m.
i was having the same problem on windows server 2008 r2. Once i disabled the firewall it started working.

Hope this helps someone...

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