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Any way of exporting / importing Queries in RTC ?

Steve Woodbridge (1352326) | asked Jan 07 '11, 3:44 p.m.
I know that currently there is no functionality in RTC to export / import queries from one RTC environment to another.

But has anyone following these forums come up with a way of doing this ?
Either as a tool or a manual process ? (Even if it would mean having to get our system support folks to go through the steps.).

4 answers

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aastha khatri (22721) | answered Sep 13 '16, 3:20 a.m.
Hi ,
Even I am looking for functionality where I can export queries. Is there any way to do this?


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Matt Muller (59813674) | answered Sep 13 '16, 3:55 a.m.

Good Morning,

You have the option of adding the Queries into the Predefined List in the Eclipse Client:- Then you can see the Query in the Process configure XML but this will enter it as a Predefined Query

Example: (from the Scrum Template)_

<query description="%scrum_spec_205" id="" name="%scrum_spec_206">




<condition operator="is">

<attribute name="creator"/>

<variable type="currentUser"/>


<condition operator="is">

<attribute name="internalState"/>

<variable arguments="closed" type="state"/>






If you copy the XML into your other Project Area - in the Same Section of the Process Config XML.

Note: If it contains any specific UUID's such as Planned for or Team Area will NOT work.

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aastha khatri (22721) | answered Sep 13 '16, 6:20 a.m.
Good Morning,
Thanks For your quick response! My requirement is to export multiple queries in some format ,edit their attributes and import the query back. Also what I know is predefined queries can be modified by specific users (scrum masters,product owners) having access to Process configuration source . I am looking for something for all users.

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Miguel Tomico (5001423) | answered Sep 13 '16, 9:48 a.m.
@aakhatri that's not possible.

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