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New hover properties for link type

Rickard Eklöf (122) | asked Dec 03 '10, 9:10 a.m.

I have uploaded attachments to some work items in the CCM application, and linked to them via a new link type from the extension point

When I hover over the link, I would like it to show a properties popup such as when hovering over a work item - work item link.

I would like to customize the hovering popup myself.

How can I do this?

Rickard Eklf

One answer

permanent link
Sergio Lorente (981712) | answered May 07 '12, 6:07 a.m.
Hi there,
I also interested in this issue.
Any suggestions?



I have uploaded attachments to some work items in the CCM application, and linked to them via a new link type from the extension point

When I hover over the link, I would like it to show a properties popup such as when hovering over a work item - work item link.

I would like to customize the hovering popup myself.

How can I do this?

Rickard Eklf

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