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Failure launching server using JazzServer-06M6-Maximal.xml

Vivek Garg (1312) | asked Apr 11 '08, 3:25 p.m.
I am trying to launch the Jazz Server from the workspace. After downloading the launch config, setting the target platform, configuring JDK 1.6 and performing the steps to get around the org.apache.commons.logging versioning issue, I get the following error on Eclipse Console:

The java class is not found: M6\client\eclipse.......server.repositoryDB

Never seen this issue before with M5a or any earlier versions. Any help appreciated.


2 answers

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Chris Daly (61651) | answered Apr 11 '08, 4:52 p.m.
vivekgg wrote:
I am trying to launch the Jazz Server from the workspace. After
downloading the launch config, setting the target platform,
configuring JDK 1.6 and performing the steps to get around the
org.apache.commons.logging versioning issue, I get the following
error on Eclipse Console:

The java class is not found:

Never seen this issue before with M5a or any earlier versions. Any
help appreciated.


I've seen this before when something in the arguments of the launch has
a space causing one argument value to get broken up when it should stay
together. I think what happened is that for this argument:${target_home}/../../server/repositoryDB

The ${target_home} value expands to a path with a space (right before
"M6"). I think you can fix this wrapping the path in quotes like this:"${target_home}/../../server/repositoryDB"

Chris Daly
Jazz Component Development Team

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Vivek Garg (1312) | answered Apr 11 '08, 6:03 p.m.
Thanks Chris. That worked.

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