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Require to be notified on change of value of a custom field

Pavithra Kasturirangan (42956056) | asked Nov 17 '10, 10:05 a.m.

I have a custom field(of type date), the label say, "Shipment Date".
This date is set when the work item is created. For some reason, this date is changed by a person.

I would like to get information that the "Shipment Date" field has been changed for the work item. This is basically to get to know that someone has modified the field. Also, if possible, by some means to fetch the previous value of the field and the current value.

How do i achieve this? I believe there is no way to pull this information from the history Tab.

Any alternate ways to find this out?

2 answers

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Patrick Streule (4.9k21) | answered Nov 17 '10, 1:08 p.m.
I have a custom field(of type date), the label say, "Shipment
This date is set when the work item is created. For some reason, this
date is changed by a person.

I would like to get information that the "Shipment Date"
field has been changed for the work item. This is basically to get to
know that someone has modified the field. Also, if possible, by some
means to fetch the previous value of the field and the current

How do i achieve this? I believe there is no way to pull this
information from the history Tab.

Any alternate ways to find this out?

Every change to the work item leads to a change event, which in turn
will show up as an event in the Feeds or as an e-mail in your inbox.

The information in the feed or e-mail show you that the 'Shipment Date'
was changed (and you could e.g. create a mail rule for this specific case)

The history of the work item will also show you the change and who made it.

RTC Work Item Component Lead

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Pavithra Kasturirangan (42956056) | answered Nov 19 '10, 12:04 p.m.
The problem with notification is that, the mail is triggered for any change in the workitem, I want the mail notification only if that one field is changed.
One way to restrict people from changing this field is that, the field change can be restricted to a role. Still, this doesnt help me. I want to get information about the field change on all the workitems.

Is there anyway to fetch data from the history Tab?

Also, Is there any way to get this from BIRT report?

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