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Plan has no workitems

Raphael Weisser (101195) | asked Nov 04 '10, 7:18 a.m.
Hi to all,

I have created a ProjectArea with FormalProjectManagementProcess template.
Than I renamed the Iterations:
After this I created some workitems and refered to "Project"

By Opening on the predefinied plan it counts my workitems "7 open",
but doesn't show them in the iteration or subiterations.

Where are my mistake?

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Kim Soederhamn (1.5k24348) | answered Nov 17 '10, 4:52 a.m.
Hi to all,

I have created a ProjectArea with FormalProjectManagementProcess template.
Than I renamed the Iterations:
After this I created some workitems and refered to "Project"

By Opening on the predefinied plan it counts my workitems "7 open",
but doesn't show them in the iteration or subiterations.

Where are my mistake?

When you say you "refered to" Project do you mean the Filed against or Planned for ? if you view a plan for a specific iteration you need to set the planned for attribute.

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