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Setting up RTC 3.0 with oracle

Mark Howell (1143) | asked Oct 18 '10, 10:32 a.m.
Setting up RTC 3.0 with oracle:

it tells me I need a separate database (and user) per product, so therefore I have created:
- JAZZDB database for the jazz team server
- JAZZCMDB for the CCM product
- JAZZDW for the data warehouse

For JAZZ and JAZZCMDB I have created the tablespaces and users, but the instructions dont mention anything for the data warehouse (JAZZDW) database (e.g. creating tablespaces, users), do we just use a system type account for this


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Stephanie Bagot (2.1k1513) | answered Nov 03 '10, 2:01 p.m.
you can use repotools to create the dataware house database schema

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