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Problem loading the feed

K p (611216) | asked Oct 13 '10, 5:14 p.m.

I do see error message on all of the projects in RTC as below.

There was a problem loading the feed:
The content was not a recognized feed.

How to get resolve this error ?? Any thoughts.


4 answers

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Curtis d'Entremont (1.3k3) | answered Nov 10 '10, 2:20 p.m.
Sorry for the late reply. A few questions to diagnose the problem:

1. Which version of RTC are you using?
2. Are you able to view the feed in other feed readers, e.g. firefox/IE ?
3. Do you have to log in to see the feed?

If it works for other readers and you don't have to log in, please check with your admin to make sure the server is able to make a request to that feed, (e.g. try wget to retrieve the feed from the server) to make sure there's no firewall blocking access.

Let me know if this works.

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Steve Harris (101187) | answered Mar 03 '11, 9:15 a.m.

I'm having a same problem now.

Our Jazz server is inside of a proxy so I think Jazz server has to pass through proxy server.

Please let me know how to make it possible!


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Curtis d'Entremont (1.3k3) | answered Mar 03 '11, 11:39 a.m.
Hi Steve,

In order for this to work, the server where the viewlet resides has to be able to reach the feed. Can you try doing a wget to see if the request is being blocked by a firewall? If so, you'll need to open that URL up.

Another possibility, if it's not a firewall, is that the feed has a problem, e.g. it's malformed XML. To check this, try opening it in your browser and see if it parses ok.

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Steve Harris (101187) | answered Mar 04 '11, 9:48 a.m.
Again, thank you for your answer and kindness :)
I will investigate this by myself.

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