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Purging content based on confidential data designation

Vince Fertig (2153) | asked Aug 25 '10, 6:07 p.m.
I have a need to purge assets and artifacts that are associated with a Company Confidential category of a Conformance and Access category schema I've defined.

Is there an automated way I can bulk remove these assets and artifacts? I am looking to provide a clean copy of my asset and artifact data minus those items that are company confidential.

3 answers

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Gili Mendel (1.8k56) | answered Aug 27 '10, 4:33 p.m.
You can bulk delete assets from the Web UI. If you get a search results (from a query/filters), you can click "Modify these assets" icon on the right top corner, select all of them, and delete.

This will delete assets (not artifacts).

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iRAM Administrator (3152156135) | answered Sep 02 '10, 6:08 a.m.
I have 2 doubts :
1) After deleting the assets using bulk modify, as you say that the artifacts will not be deleted. So is there any way by which the artifacts can be visible when loading the remaining data to other server?
2) We have a very large no. of assets to bulk modify (approx 12000). After filtering the assets in search results page, when I clicked in "Modify the assets" button on right top of the page, the page started loading and it keeps on loading till now(approx 2 hours already passed). Is it practically possible to bulk update such large no. of assets?

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Rich Kulp (3.6k38) | answered Sep 02 '10, 10:13 a.m.
On 9/2/2010 6:23 AM, iraadminJazz wrote:
I have 2 doubts :
1) After deleting the assets using bulk modify, as you say that the
artifacts will not be deleted. So is there any way by which the
artifacts can be visible when loading the remaining data to other

No, the artifacts ARE deleted when you delete an asset.

2) We have a very large no. of assets to bulk modify (approx 12000).
After filtering the assets in search results page, when I clicked in
"Modify the assets" button on right top of the page, the
page started loading and it keeps on loading till now(approx 2 hours
already passed). Is it practically possible to bulk update such large
no. of assets?

There is a problem with large amounts. You should try to filter down
your search results to around 500 at a time before you do a bulk update
request. Even then it will probably take time. The bulk update wasn't
tuned for large number of updates. That needs to be addressed in the future.


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