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Plain Java Client API Javadoc?

James Garrison (4111) | asked Aug 12 '10, 5:54 p.m.
Is there a javadoc for the plain java API?

If not, is the source available for the plain java API?


10 answers

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James Garrison (4111) | answered Aug 13 '10, 3:07 p.m.
Is there a javadoc for the plain java API?

If not, is the source available for the plain java API?


We're also looking at Rational Asset Manager, and I notice that the "Reference" section of the RAM InfoCenter contains Javadoc for its API. However, in the RTC InfoCenter the "Reference" section is empty except for an "Accessibility" section. This is true in both the online version and the downloadable

Without Javadoc or source it's going to be pretty hard to write code against the API.


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Gary Mullen-Schultz (28725536) | answered Aug 26 '10, 1:20 p.m.
Is there a target date for when Javadoc will be available?


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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Aug 30 '10, 11:01 a.m.
Are you developing against 2.x or 3.0?

If 2.x, the source is available from the SDK download. See 'Rational Team Concert SDK' at:

If 3.0, you are correct, we have a bit of a dilemma at the moment in that since we've stopped making source available for RTC, and there's no JavaDoc published, this is making it very difficult to develop against RTC.

I've raised this issue with the RTC PMC, and we're looking at making the JavaDoc available as soon as possible. In the meantime, I suggest developing against the 2.x sources, since most of the core APIs have not changed in 3.0.


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K p (611216) | answered Aug 30 '10, 1:58 p.m.

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Aug 30 '10, 2:58 p.m.
Kiran, your question is off topic for this thread. Could you please create a new top-level thread for this?

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Aug 31 '10, 3:01 p.m.
Just got an update from the PMC. We are actively working on getting the RTC and Foundation source back into the builds for RC0, or RC1 at the latest. It's still pending on IP review.

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Ernest Crvich (19212119) | answered Sep 20 '10, 4:14 p.m.
Just got an update from the PMC. We are actively working on getting the RTC and Foundation source back into the builds for RC0, or RC1 at the latest. It's still pending on IP review.

Is there any chance the javadocs will be available for download as well? It seems to me a rather necessary offering for any product with a public API to make the javadocs to that API readily available. Having to download all the source code and "do it yourself" is rather tedious and unnecessary...most of us don't need to see the RTC internals / implementation. I realize from having looked at the 2.0 javadocs that a lot of the classes and methods are undocumented per se (as in no added comments), but just having the hierarchy and public methods available in HTML format would be helpful enough.

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Aaron Wolfson (11) | answered Oct 05 '10, 12:38 p.m.
Are there any resources still available for RTC 1.x?

Javadoc or source would be nice, I will take what I can get! The QueryDevGuide is very helpful but it is difficult to implement anything that is not explicitly specified by the Guide.


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William Fu (4611) | answered Oct 13 '10, 2:46 a.m.
Is there any chance the javadocs will be available for download as well? It seems to me a rather necessary offering for any product with a public API to make the javadocs to that API readily available. Having to download all the source code and "do it yourself" is rather tedious and unnecessary...most of us don't need to see the RTC internals / implementation. I realize from having looked at the 2.0 javadocs that a lot of the classes and methods are undocumented per se (as in no added comments), but just having the hierarchy and public methods available in HTML format would be helpful enough.

Hi crvich,
From your comment -> "I realize from having looked at the 2.0 javadocs that a lot of the classes and methods are undocumented per se"
I'm just wondering which javadoc are you talking about? Is there at least a very basic document where some functions are being documented? (I'm not talking about the DevGuide)

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Nick Edgar (6.5k711) | answered Oct 29 '10, 4:20 p.m.
Aaron, yes, the 1.x releases also have source code. See the bottom of:

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