Positioning RTC SDK vs Jazz SDK

Accepted answer

I'm assuming that by "Jazz SDK" you mean the Jazz Foundation Services SDK, as described here: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/ServerSDK10
The distinctions are best described in the introduction of this document: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RtcSdk20. That is, the RTC SDK is mostly Java-based, focuses mainly on client-side APIs (though server-side extensions are possible), and offers more "RTC" functionality than JFS.
JFS, on the other hand, is language-agnostic in that exposes its API via HTTP and resource-based URIs, and (at the moment) is more generic than the RTC SDK.
The distinctions are best described in the introduction of this document: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RtcSdk20. That is, the RTC SDK is mostly Java-based, focuses mainly on client-side APIs (though server-side extensions are possible), and offers more "RTC" functionality than JFS.
JFS, on the other hand, is language-agnostic in that exposes its API via HTTP and resource-based URIs, and (at the moment) is more generic than the RTC SDK.
Which are the differences between both SDKs? From a logical point of
view, I understand with RTC SDK I can do the same things that I can do
with Jazz SDK plus specific RTC stuff. Am I correct?
Thanks in advance,