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Importing Clearquest records to RTC

Sudipto Sarkar (631443) | asked Mar 18 '15, 9:12 a.m.
I am trying to import Clearquest records to RTC. But, while doing that, by default, all the workitems created are defects. But it should happen as:
Request in Clearquest ----  Story in RTC
Task in Clearquest -----  Task in RTC.

How can I achieve the same?


Jonas Studer commented Mar 18 '15, 9:26 a.m.

Very simple.. you have to define it as a story!
Because Defect is just default...
type: ""

Sudipto Sarkar commented Mar 18 '15, 1:25 p.m.

 Thanks for reply. But in that case, what would be source id in mapping.xml?


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