Invalid url address (WebUI) in mails sent by RQM
Hello guys,
We are using RQM 2.0.1 with Oracle 10G databases.
When a mail is sent by RQM to a receiver, the WebUI url inside the mail is invalid :
"Web UI: https:/jazz/resource/itemName/"
It seems that theRQM server name and port are missing.
How could we have the good url link in WebUI inside mail ?
Such as :
"Web UI: https:/***server name:port*** /jazz/resource/itemName/"
Can we easily configure that ?
Any suggestions are welcome.
Thanks for your help.
We are using RQM 2.0.1 with Oracle 10G databases.
When a mail is sent by RQM to a receiver, the WebUI url inside the mail is invalid :
"Web UI: https:/jazz/resource/itemName/"
It seems that the
How could we have the good url link in WebUI inside mail ?
Such as :
"Web UI: https:/
Can we easily configure that ?
Any suggestions are welcome.
Thanks for your help.