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Check In Not Working?

michael garvin (116119) | asked Mar 03 '08, 2:06 p.m.
Hi, I created a small sample project with 3 sample users so I could evaluate Jazz as an ALM tool from end to end, create work items, submit code, build it, test it etc. Things have been going well, I've been able to overcome my own lack of knowledge around a lot of Jazz details and I managed to get things mostly working.

But, now when I try to check in code from one of the sample users, the main workbench just silentliy ignores my request. This is a show stopper for me because the file I want to check in is the build.xml file that my build engine needs to actually do a build (I'm interested in seeing how Jazz can take part in Continuous Integration).

Before trying a check in I went to the error log window, cleared it, then went back to the packages view and try to checkin the build.xml file that I made by hand. When I did that...nothing happend, no error was reported and nothing shows up in my Pending Changes view.

I noticed on friday night that this behaviour was happening for one sample user but not for my other sample users, so I suspect that the meta-data for this user has become corrupt and its causing some internal error which is not being caught.

Is there some way I can look at a more detailed log file somewhere? My workbench is installed on Windows, and in the Team Artifacts window, when I try to look for properties on my workspace the Properties item in the context menu is greyed out. So I can't tell where on my Windows box the Workspace (and hence its meta data) is stored.

I'll dig around and see if I can find it but any tips would be appreciated.

I will try to checkin my build.xml file from one of the other sample users I created. Its a hassle doing it that way but if thats the only way to get it going I guess its the way :)


4 answers

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Dmitry Karasik (1.8k11) | answered Mar 03 '08, 2:06 p.m.
If you are using Beta 2 then take a look at bug 39734 and bug 39064 and
see if they apply to your case.

The problem scenario occurs when you have RTC installed on a different
drive than your workspace, or if you move your workspace somewhere after
creating it.

- Dmitry

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michael garvin (116119) | answered Mar 03 '08, 10:04 p.m.
Cool thanks, that might actually be it...I installed the server on my D drive but I install the client with all the default paths (i.e. C:<whatever>). I'll go take a look at those bug reports.

btw, the only reason I used the default install path for the client was that I was forced to, if you use some other path, it gets 90% through the install and they bails on some internal error, and you have go back, uninstall everything and install again. I was only able to get it to install by accepting the default paths :(

Thanks for the followup!


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michael garvin (116119) | answered Mar 04 '08, 1:10 p.m.
Hey, so I tried turning off auto-checkin, I tried loading/unloading the workspace, I also tried using the Repair Metadata function in teh Jazz Source Control preferences. No luck...but my problem sounds very similar to those other bug reports, check in works ok at first and then stops working. My problems sounds pretty much exactly like 39064 only I didn't apply a patch, I was just doing some simple check ins (say add a comment to a Java class and check it in).

My machine is a Windows XP Pro, with a Core 2 CPU running at 2.13Gh, with 2Gb of Ram and 20Gb of C drive with another 40Gb on D drive. I installed my server on D drive, and all fo the client stuff (including the build system) to the default directories on C drive. (I was forced to you it errors out if you try to install in a custom location). I have Cygwin installed.

When I create workspaces I just accept whatever the New Workspace wizard does, so AFAIK the workspace "drive" should be the same as the drive that Jazz (client) was installed on. However, my server is on D drive.

I guess what I'll have to do is wipe everything out, and try installing the whole ball of wax in the default locations on C drive. I'm guessing it will work...but kind of frustrating. I think its worth the effort though, everythign I've seen so far for ALM features looks great.

I'll do clean restart and let you know how it goes.


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michael garvin (116119) | answered Mar 05 '08, 11:44 a.m.
Hey, the fix is pretty easy; just install everything on the same drive (no spaces in any installation paths)...I'm doing everything on Windows.

This morning after setting things up like that I've been able to breeze through all the things I wanted to. Jazz is Lookin' good now!


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