RCR Installation on Linux Server Tip
I managed an installation for RCR under Linux and would like to give you some hint for getting it to work.
1. Configuring the ODBC driver for Linux systems
To be able to use the RQM live data source, you must specify the correct path in the odbc.ini to the rqm.xdc file located in the installation directory. Unfortunately this path has white spaces insidedataconfig/configs/live data config/rqm.xdc . The following technote advices to escape the path like this dataconfig/configs/live\ data\ config/rqm.xdc
But this does not work really. So I created a logic link "live" on the same level of the "live data config" directory pointing to that directory and used that path in the odbc.ini that worked.
2. You can test both data configs with isql "RQM" and "RQM Live"
3. Sequence of Post Installation Tasks
Do this step (Configuring data warehouse access):
before this step (Testing the live data model):
Best Regards,
Ren Meyer
I managed an installation for RCR under Linux and would like to give you some hint for getting it to work.
1. Configuring the ODBC driver for Linux systems
To be able to use the RQM live data source, you must specify the correct path in the odbc.ini to the rqm.xdc file located in the installation directory. Unfortunately this path has white spaces inside
But this does not work really. So I created a logic link "live" on the same level of the "live data config" directory pointing to that directory and used that path in the odbc.ini that worked.
2. You can test both data configs with isql "RQM" and "RQM Live"
3. Sequence of Post Installation Tasks
Do this step (Configuring data warehouse access):
before this step (Testing the live data model):
Best Regards,
Ren Meyer
One answer
Note: This post is 4+ years old.
Please upgrade to the latest version of RQM (see https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-quality-manager/) and review the product documentation (see https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/topic/com.ibm.help.common.jazz.calm.doc/com.ibm.help.common.jazz.calm.doc_eclipse-gentopic1.html) and jazz.net resources (see https://jazz.net/help). If your issue persists, please ask a new question (https://jazz.net/forum/questions/ask), open a defect (see https://jazz.net/mystuff/#tab=workitems), or open a PMR (see http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21507639).
Please upgrade to the latest version of RQM (see https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-quality-manager/) and review the product documentation (see https://jazz.net/help-dev/clm/topic/com.ibm.help.common.jazz.calm.doc/com.ibm.help.common.jazz.calm.doc_eclipse-gentopic1.html) and jazz.net resources (see https://jazz.net/help). If your issue persists, please ask a new question (https://jazz.net/forum/questions/ask), open a defect (see https://jazz.net/mystuff/#tab=workitems), or open a PMR (see http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21507639).