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RI Installation Error

sasanuru kumar (3142319) | asked May 28 '10, 10:32 a.m.
I have got error at the time of installing RI. What are possible ways to fix below issue.

Error during "install" phase:
An error occurred while installing the Data Warehouse.
CRREW4514E: Error creating buffer pools

I appreciate your help in advance

6 answers

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered May 28 '10, 12:31 p.m.
There is a technote here that contains information on troubleshooting this problem. The bufferpools.log file in the logs folder should have more detailed information on why this failed. Please let us know what you find. Thanks,

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sasanuru kumar (3142319) | answered May 31 '10, 5:31 a.m.
There is a technote here that contains information on troubleshooting this problem. The bufferpools.log file in the logs folder should have more detailed information on why this failed. Please let us know what you find. Thanks,

Thank you for assistance.

I verified that bufferpool.log file it states that lack of sufficient memory to start up the database. it means that insufficient memeory of system or else. Please clarify it.

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered May 31 '10, 10:06 a.m.
It could be either, but likly related to the availble system reources during the time the database is being created. If you are low on resources when creating the database, you may also have problems executing ETL. I would recommen installing the database components on a machine with 4GB+ of RAM. Here are the system requirements for reference. Hope it helps,

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sasanuru kumar (3142319) | answered Jun 03 '10, 2:37 a.m.
Downloaded two license keys for Rational Authorization and Install License. Now I need required one more license file to start Rational Server Service from path as Start> All Programs> IBM Rational > LMTools. In this tool, go to Tab Config Service, here license file required for the filed of "Path to license file", I don't have this file. How shoild I get this file to Start License Server Service. Thanks in advance.

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Lawrence Mandel (51121) | answered Jun 04 '10, 2:15 p.m.
All the license files that you need are available via the Insight downloads section on Can you clarify how you configured the license server? i.e. What license files did you specify in the tool and how did you specify them? Do you still see an error in the reporting server? Did you try restarting the reporting server after configuring the licenses?


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FU YONG (4672) | answered Jun 24 '10, 2:14 a.m.
I have got error at the time of installing RI. What are possible ways to fix below issue.

Error during "install" phase:
An error occurred while installing the Data Warehouse.
CRREW4514E: Error creating buffer pools

I appreciate your help in advance

You need to give administrator rights to your db2admin account or any other DB2 account you are using during installation.

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