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RRC Installation Problem with XP

lorena martinez (111) | asked Mar 24 '10, 4:57 p.m.
Im downloads the versions 2.0 (trial) y With both versions have the same problem. I Install the software without problems with XP. Then, when startup the server i see:

Using CATALINA_BASE: C:\Archivos de programa\IBM\RRCS20\server\tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME: C:\Archivos de programa\IBM\RRCS20\server\tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: C:\Archivos de programa\IBM\RRCS20\server\tomcat\temp
Using JRE_HOME: C:\Archivos de programa\IBM\RRCS20\server\jre

and then closes the console shows no error, but the server is not started.
what is the problem?

3 answers

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Mar 24 '10, 7:25 p.m.
Does the console remain on the screen, or does it disappear? Can you send the logs from the server\logs, and server\tomcat\logs folder?

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Stef van Dijk (2.0k179) | answered Mar 25 '10, 4:06 p.m.
Does the console remain on the screen, or does it disappear? Can you send the logs from the server\logs, and server\tomcat\logs folder?

The most common reason I've seen for this is insufficent memory.
While I don't recommend running this way, what you could at least try is the following:

- edit the file C:\Program Files\IBM\RRCS20\server\server.startup.bat
- locate the line which sets JAVA_OPTS
- lower the value for the argument -xmx(to something like 700M)

Again, I do NOT recommend running the server in a constrained memory environment, but this might at least indicate if that's the problem.

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lorena martinez (111) | answered Mar 29 '10, 10:11 p.m.
Excellent, your suggestion solved my problem. Thank you!

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