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RQM viewlets in RTC dashboard templates

Keith Mantell (4612417) | asked Mar 03 '10, 3:59 p.m.
So RQM viewlets can now appear in RTC dashboards. Is it possible to include RQM viewlets in a RTC dashboard template?

Pointers welcome.


2 answers

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Adam Archer (83639) | answered Mar 09 '10, 12:08 p.m.
Currently this is not a supported use case. Only viewlets for the local server can be added to the dashboard templates.

Adam Archer
Jazz Web UI Developer

permanent link
Krunal Gaoli (671269) | answered Jan 18 '17, 1:34 a.m.

 yes it is possible keith

go to add widget in Dashboard-> select catalog option  then from the list select RQM then add RQM widget into it 
but make sure you have associated RQM and RTC project areas. 

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