Dashboard: Passing "current team" as a parameter t
4 answers
This question covers two different areas, work item queries and reports. I will speak to work item queries. This would require work items to support creating queries that take input parameters (e.g. a blank field where it expects you to supply a team area when you run it). If this were possible, we would provide support to allow you to configure your work item viewlets to supply the dashboard scope as the query argument.
There are a couple work items open on this topic, one for work items to implement the feature and one for dashboards to consume it to provide support in the viewlet.
Adam Archer
Jazz Web UI Developer
There are a couple work items open on this topic, one for work items to implement the feature and one for dashboards to consume it to provide support in the viewlet.
Adam Archer
Jazz Web UI Developer
Hi Keith,
Unfortunately, there is no way to specify the current team as a parameter to a report query used by the trend report viewlets. The closest match is "My Team Areas".
This can be selected by doing the following:
(1) Editing the trend report viewlet settings
(2) Selecting a Project Area
(3) Clicking on the "Edit" button next to the "Query" field
=> Opens the Reports Parameter Dialog
(4) Selecting the "My Team Areas" checkbox in the "Team Area" parameter box
Unfortunately, there is no way to specify the current team as a parameter to a report query used by the trend report viewlets. The closest match is "My Team Areas".
This can be selected by doing the following:
(1) Editing the trend report viewlet settings
(2) Selecting a Project Area
(3) Clicking on the "Edit" button next to the "Query" field
=> Opens the Reports Parameter Dialog
(4) Selecting the "My Team Areas" checkbox in the "Team Area" parameter box
Presumably you are asking what ${scope} means when used in a template for a team dashboard. Using that variable will insert the name of the team for which the dashboard is create at runtime. For instance, if I define the default name of the dashboard as '${scope} Dashboard' in the process template and then create a dashboard for the 'Work Items' team, the dashboard will be named 'Work Items Dashboard'.
Similarly when ${scope} is used on personal or project dashboards, it represents the name of the user or project in question.
Adam Archer
Jazz Web UI Developer
Similarly when ${scope} is used on personal or project dashboards, it represents the name of the user or project in question.
Adam Archer
Jazz Web UI Developer