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Simon Norrington (311109) | asked Feb 19 '10, 4:26 a.m.
Hi, I'm trying to use the Excel import tool without much luck. Is there a more comprehensive set on instructions anywhere - other than at

Failing that, has anyone got an idiots guide to using the Excel import tool?

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sridhar venkatesh (2143) | answered Apr 24 '11, 3:53 p.m.

I'm trying to use RQmExcelImpoter utility to export existing Test cases in Excel sheet to RQM. But i'm unable to change the Configuration file to match the excel sheet in which the data resides. Our Excel Sheet format is like this:

Requirement1 --->TestCase1--->TestScript1--->TestSteps

Requirement2 --->TestCase1--->TestScript1--->TestSteps

It has multiple requirements in one sheet, and each requirement has multiple test cases under it, and each test case has multiple Test scripts under it.

Please assist me in configuring file for this. I'll add/send the sample excel file if needed.

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