Jazz/RTC source control in vanilla Eclipse

Currently I have RTC installed as a stand-alone environment
and also Eclipse 3.6Mx - which I use for my usual coding/development activity,with SVN source control.
One project I will work on is now stored in our Jazz server.
I used RTC to 'load' my workspace with it, but the regular Eclipse sees those projects as non-team-shared.
I'd want to install the RTC source control provider in my normal Eclipse.
I am not trying to install the full RTC 2 (3.4.2-based) into the 3.6x Eclipse which doesn't seem to work.
I am looking at just adding the minimal set of plugins to my Eclipse that will contribute a working source control experience (to-from my local workspace to my remote workspace).
any advice ?
Currently I have RTC installed as a stand-alone environment
and also Eclipse 3.6Mx - which I use for my usual coding/development activity,with SVN source control.
One project I will work on is now stored in our Jazz server.
I used RTC to 'load' my workspace with it, but the regular Eclipse sees those projects as non-team-shared.
I'd want to install the RTC source control provider in my normal Eclipse.
I am not trying to install the full RTC 2 (3.4.2-based) into the 3.6x Eclipse which doesn't seem to work.
I am looking at just adding the minimal set of plugins to my Eclipse that will contribute a working source control experience (to-from my local workspace to my remote workspace).
any advice ?
One answer

You don;t really have a lot of options as RTC, at least at the moment,
doesn't have any subpackages like SCM or Work Items. You can check out
the wiki page at
https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/InstallRTC20IntoEclipse35 for some
ideas on how to install Jazz into a 3.5 or 3.6 based Eclipse.
edoardo wrote:
doesn't have any subpackages like SCM or Work Items. You can check out
the wiki page at
https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/InstallRTC20IntoEclipse35 for some
ideas on how to install Jazz into a 3.5 or 3.6 based Eclipse.
edoardo wrote:
Currently I have RTC installed as a stand-alone environment
and also Eclipse 3.6Mx - which I use for my usual coding/development
activity,with SVN source control.
One project I will work on is now stored in our Jazz server.
I used RTC to 'load' my workspace with it, but the regular Eclipse
sees those projects as non-team-shared.
I'd want to install the RTC source control provider in my normal
I am not trying to install the full RTC 2 (3.4.2-based) into the 3.6x
Eclipse which doesn't seem to work.
I am looking at just adding the minimal set of plugins to my Eclipse
that will contribute a working source control experience (to-from my
local workspace to my remote workspace).
any advice ?