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Dashboard and Team Viewlet

Kevin Zemanek (2454825) | asked Feb 02 '10, 11:06 a.m.
Context: RTC, Firefox 3.5.7

I have a couple of questions about adding a Team viewlet to the dashboard.

1) When I add a team viewlet, I select a team that has sub-teams. I deselect the settings box that says "Include sub-teams". The viewlet still displays the sub-teams. This could be a bug or I may be misunderstanding what "Include sub-teams" means. Comments?

2) If I select to add a team viewlet and the team selected has no sub-teams, I get a viewlet that has the name of the team in the viewlet title, but there are no active links (i.e. I cannot get to the team dashboard). Is that correct behavior?

3) Fundamentally what I want to do is have on a dashboard an arbitrary list of teams that are links to the team dashboards. How could this be done?


Accepted answer

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Curtis d'Entremont (1.3k3) | answered Feb 02 '10, 11:52 a.m.
Hi Kevin,

The Teams viewlet actually shows either a team hierarchy sub-tree under a given root project or team, if you tell it to show sub-teams, or only the direct children of that root project/team otherwise (depth=1). That is, it shows only teams under the project/team you've selected.

I've created a work item to clarify the UI to reduce confusion for this viewlet:

If you want to show something other than a hierarchy or a group of sibling teams, I'd recommend using the Bookmarks viewlet.

Kevin Zemanek selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Kevin Zemanek (2454825) | answered Feb 02 '10, 12:07 p.m.
Hi Kevin,

The Teams viewlet actually shows either a team hierarchy sub-tree under a given root project or team, if you tell it to show sub-teams, or only the direct children of that root project/team otherwise (depth=1). That is, it shows only teams under the project/team you've selected.

I've created a work item to clarify the UI to reduce confusion for this viewlet:

If you want to show something other than a hierarchy or a group of sibling teams, I'd recommend using the Bookmarks viewlet.


Curt - thanks that makes sense.

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