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Repository Backup

Karl Vielhaber (2131) | asked Jan 31 '10, 2:59 p.m.
How is the repository backed up? Where is the repository located? Is it located in <installdir>\Jazz\Server\repositoryDB\?

4 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 01 '10, 2:58 a.m.
Hi Karl,

this really depends on what database you are using and how you install.
The product help contains some information on this topic: using repotools.

This link leads also to:

Pleaase see also the new deployment guide for considerations.

Dependent on the database you are using you would chose the respective backup tooling to do the backup.

See about backing up derby.

Having said that when using derby and staying with the default settings the directory below contains the database.

For demo purposes it has worked for me to shutdown the server and zip that directory plus the work item index. The work item index is by default stored in the the folder workitemindex within the server directory.

You would also want to backup your configuration files in the conf and the tomcat\conf directory.


How is the repository backed up? Where is the repository located? Is it located in <installdir>\Jazz\Server\repositoryDB\?

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Karl Vielhaber (2131) | answered Feb 01 '10, 10:53 p.m.
Thank you Ralph.

Hi Karl,

this really depends on what database you are using and how you install.
The product help contains some information on this topic: using repotools.

This link leads also to:

Pleaase see also the new deployment guide for considerations.

Dependent on the database you are using you would chose the respective backup tooling to do the backup.

See about backing up derby.

Having said that when using derby and staying with the default settings the directory below contains the database.

For demo purposes it has worked for me to shutdown the server and zip that directory plus the work item index. The work item index is by default stored in the the folder workitemindex within the server directory.

You would also want to backup your configuration files in the conf and the tomcat\conf directory.


How is the repository backed up? Where is the repository located? Is it located in <installdir>\Jazz\Server\repositoryDB\?

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Karl Vielhaber (2131) | answered Feb 01 '10, 10:57 p.m.
I am using the Visual Studio Client and am wondering how to collaborate (IM and files) with others on my team. I have administrative rights. The manual says there should be a "My Team Areas" that I use in setting up collaboration but I do not have this. Is there a setting that I have incorrect or is the one stream that I have setup an incorrect type?

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Sreerupa Sen (1.0k4) | answered Feb 12 '10, 1:10 a.m.
The RTC Client for Visual Studio is not integrated with IM clients in terms of team presence. The one integration with email/chat clients that we do provide is in terms of being able to drag/drop your work items from RTC Visual Studio to you email and chat client.

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