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Team Debug for COBOL with RDz

Jorge Nagasaki (17512217) | asked Jan 31 '10, 2:30 p.m.
Tried to find some information on How to start a Team Debug of a remote debug ( COBOL on z/OS) session, but could not find .
Please can you help?
I am using the RTCz (2001) integration with RDZ 7.6.

5 answers

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Nicolas Dangeville (31632525) | answered Feb 04 '10, 7:08 a.m.
Have you looked at this : ?



"naga" <naga> wrote in message
Tried to find some information on How to start a Team Debug of a
remote debug ( COBOL on z/OS) session, but could not find .
Please can you help?
I am using the RTCz (2001) integration with RDZ 7.6.

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Jorge Nagasaki (17512217) | answered Feb 09 '10, 4:17 p.m.
Thanks for the direction, This doc is what I am looking for..

BUt, I followed the instructions , but when I start the Job with the debug paramters for Team debug , the Jobs just runs to the end and does not enter in "debug mode".
Any help on this?

Have you looked at this : ?



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Alex Akilov (19111) | answered Feb 15 '10, 11:21 a.m.

Did you activate the debug profile in CICS? See
or for some more details about configuring the CICS debug side of things

Thanks for the direction, This doc is what I am looking for..

BUt, I followed the instructions , but when I start the Job with the debug paramters for Team debug , the Jobs just runs to the end and does not enter in "debug mode".
Any help on this?

Have you looked at this : ?



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Alan Boxall (561) | answered Feb 15 '10, 10:15 p.m.
Looks like there is a missing step in the tech note.
The RTCz server is shipped with Team Debug disabled.

Follow these steps to enable the team debug service:
1) log into the admin page of the RTCz server
(append "/admin" to the end of the URL used to access the repository
2) go to the advanced properties
3) search for "team debug"
4) the installed default for the port is -1 meaning disabled
Set the port to a valid port number that is not blocked by a firewall.
If you set to a port that is in use a message should appear warning of the problem.
5) press save to apply the new port

Retry your debug testcase and it should start in team debug mode.

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Jorge Nagasaki (17512217) | answered Feb 18 '10, 6:32 a.m.
Thanks for all.
I think I still have problems with Pre-requisits for this to work. I found out that our z/OS has V9 of Debug Tool, and according to the pre-reqs I should have V10.1. right?

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