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Can I update Execution Results for multiple TERs at one shot

Ian He (66105) | asked Jan 25 '10, 4:52 p.m.
Looks like it has to be done one at a time. If I have manually run 5 test cases and they all passed. Is there any way that I can update all 5 TERs to Passed (all weight points claimed passed) in one update? Thanks!

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David Mehaffy (90123238) | answered Jan 26 '10, 12:53 p.m.
ianhe wrote:
Looks like it has to be done one at a time. If I have manually run 5
test cases and they all passed. Is there any way that I can update
all 5 TERs to Passed (all weight points claimed passed) in one
update? Thanks!

Not yet - I have a feature opened on it called PowerEdit for TERs

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