Which Browser is Better for RQM?

5 answers

Anyone has any suggestions on which browser is better to use for RQM? I use FireFox 3.5.7. It woks fine for me. But I cannot use IE6. IE8 works fine.
I have found in my experience that Google Chrome is the fastest and most responsive, but sometimes doesn't play nice with RQM and you have to refresh the page to get something working. Firefox is a good balance of speed and stability, though not nearly as fast as Chrome. And Internet Explorer, no matter what version is the slowest and most glitchy. If you must use Internet Explorer, I'd recommend using at least v7, v6 is unbearably slow sometimes.
Basically what holds true for the rest of internet surfing holds true in RQM. Here's a completely non-scientific article <a>article</a> that demonstrates the differences between browser and versions.

Sorry that link didn't work out so well, here it is.
Thanks Michael for sharing your experience. That is very helpful. And thanks for the reference to the article. That is a good one with all the details. I think this information will help RQM users to choose the right browser.

I would recommended if you are going to use IE, that you use IE8, not IE7. IE8 renders much faster than IE7. IE7 also seems to leak memory like crazy when used with RQM. I used IE7 with it for about 30 minutes and the iexplore.exe process was using almost 700 MB!
Firefox seemed to work the best, but if your organization enforces IE, IE 8 would be the way to go.
Firefox seemed to work the best, but if your organization enforces IE, IE 8 would be the way to go.

I would recommended if you are going to use IE, that you use IE8, not IE7. IE8 renders much faster than IE7. IE7 also seems to leak memory like crazy when used with RQM. I used IE7 with it for about 30 minutes and the iexplore.exe process was using almost 700 MB!
Firefox seemed to work the best, but if your organization enforces IE, IE 8 would be the way to go.
Thanks Paul!