Parent/child Tree structure results for workitems & view

Currently only in the Plan view can we see the relationships between items utilizing the Tree Structure Style. Request that this be extended workitem queries and supported on viewlets. Main concern - only workitems queries can be exported from the Web UI in cvs or shown in html. I would like to export relationship structure. It would be nice to have the relationship view on some of the dashboard tracking I create.
One answer

Currently only in the Plan view can we see the relationships between
items utilizing the Tree Structure Style. Request that this be
extended workitem queries and supported on viewlets. Main concern -
only workitems queries can be exported from the Web UI in cvs or
shown in html. I would like to export relationship structure. It
would be nice to have the relationship view on some of the dashboard
tracking I create.
There are work items for all of your requests above:
- Exporting links:
- Showing links in viewlets:
- Links are shown in the web ui query results when you select the
appropriate column
Jazz Work Item Team