RTC Source Code Management

One answer

Are you interested in only files whose current version is the result of
a merge, or all files that that have a merge a some point in their
version ancestry?
And I assume you are interested in this because you want to review any
code that required a merge? If so, what you probably are interested in
is only files that have been merged since a specified snapshot (i.e. the
last snapshot that you did a merge review on)?
In any case, the answer is "no" (:-). I've submitted work item 102469
requesting this feature.
The change sets that are automatically created to resolve a conflict are
initialized with the comment "Merges", but that doesn't currently help
because you can't search for change-sets with a given name. I've
submitted work item 102468 for this searching change-sets by name.
kiranrvce wrote:
a merge, or all files that that have a merge a some point in their
version ancestry?
And I assume you are interested in this because you want to review any
code that required a merge? If so, what you probably are interested in
is only files that have been merged since a specified snapshot (i.e. the
last snapshot that you did a merge review on)?
In any case, the answer is "no" (:-). I've submitted work item 102469
requesting this feature.
The change sets that are automatically created to resolve a conflict are
initialized with the comment "Merges", but that doesn't currently help
because you can't search for change-sets with a given name. I've
submitted work item 102468 for this searching change-sets by name.
kiranrvce wrote:
Hello All,
I want to list all the merged codes that has been delivered for a
build/snapshot, is this possible in RTC