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Is there any Java API that helps me to connect to EWM Client and fetch baselines of a project area ?

Pre condition is that I should not connect to jazz server and fetch the required details mentioned in the summary. Because in our org there a rule that we should not overload jazz server with frequent requests as such. So what they are telling us is to use the already open EWM Client and fetch the baselines. I want to know if its possible ?
Accepted answer

This does not make sense. Any client would have to talk to the server to get any information.
https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/ELMProductAPILanding shows all public APIs. For what you want to do, the best choice is the Plain Java Client Libraries. They come with some snippets, additional examples can be found here: https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/ an example that works on the SCM system can be found here: https://github.com/jazz-community/ewm-scm-utils