RTC: Attempting to GET Workitem in same authenticated client session after PUT update returns response 412, but closing and reauthenticating first works.
1. Authenticate client session at base_url/authenticated/identity
2. GET workitem -> returns response 200, appropriate workitem content & header contains first Etag
3. PUT update to workitem -> returns response 200, header contains new Etag, updates workitem in web UI.
4. GET workitem -> returns response 412, empty content, header contains correct new Etag.
If I close the session and reauthenticate the client between steps 3 & 4, the final GET works, so I'm led to believe that something is getting incorrectly cached. Does anyone know what it could be?
2 answers
I tried to reproduce this but I do not see that behavior. I used the OSLC API in Firefox and the Rested extension. EWM 7.1.
Accept:application/json or application/rdf+xml
Content-Type:application/json or application/rdf+xml
User-Agent:I am not a browser
I recently experienced issues with form based authentication if I used the default User-Agent.....