Server Side Plugin : Given a workitem, How to get the attribute's value ?
Hi Team,
I have to implement a server side Advisor, wherein for a particular workitem, i need to get the custom attribute's value and check if a particular text is present, if yes then allow to save the workitem else throw error.
Could you please share the code snippet for getting the attribute value.
I have this code, but not helping me, I am unable to get the ITeamRepository in the plugin. However this is possible in Plain Java APIs Code.
List<IAttributeHandle> attrs = workitem.getCustomAttributes();
for(IAttributeHandle attributeHandle : attrs) {
IAttribute attribute = (IAttribute) ITeamRepository.itemManager().fetchCompleteItem(attributeHandle, IItemManager.DEFAULT, null);
Object attributeValue = workitem.getValue(attribute);
Thanks in Advance.
Accepted answer
The ITeamRepository is a client concept that does not exist in the server API. In the server API you use special services such as IWorkitemCommon or IWorkitemService etc.
See and other preconditions and follow up actions on my blog.