[ETM] - Question about Requirement Links in TP and TC
In ETLM, under Test Plan, one can see "Requirement Collection Links". Here one can add the complete DNG module.
Under a Test case one can add one or more specific requirements from any component.
The documentation says under a Test Plan, for the "Requirement Collection Links"
<label class="com-ibm-asq-common-web-ui-editor-container-summary-text" id="com_ibm_asq_common_web_ui_internal_view_common_EditorSection_8summary_node_label">
"This section contains the associated DNG Requirement Modules (xRS) which are tested by this test plan"
For a Test case: This section contains the links to all the requirements which are validated by this test case
My questions are:
- What is the interpretation of this from IBM's side as TP can have a module from DNG while TC can have requirements from completely different module?
- If one add a module in TP, can we make the TC shows requirements from that module only in TC?
Would be great if someone can share some info.
Thank you