Report Builder - Custom Expression : Substring of a Title

Our ELM versions are et 7.0.2
We want to create a report with Report Builder, which uses a custom expression.
The data source for this report is "LQE scoped by a configuration".
We want to query a list of DNG artifacts and display, among other attributes, the Artifact Title.
With a custom expression, we would like to display only the first 20 characters of the Title.
Is it possible to use a formulation such as: SUBSTR($Data:Titre$, 1, 20) ?
Thank you for your help.
One answer

You should be able to use the SPARQL function SUBSTR:
"The function
SUBSTR( string, beginposition, stringlength )
returns a substring of a string beginning at the position marked by beginposition, and will have a length as indicated. For instance
SUBSTR( ?name,2,3 )
= "ABCDEFGH" will return "BCD". A substring without length like
SUBSTR( ?name,2 )
will return "BCDEFGH". "