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Cannot get Document Style Reports to use the stylesheet

Glyn Costello (14050) | asked Feb 29, 10:34 a.m.

ELM 7.0.2 

EWM Document Style Reports

I follow the instructions below:

I create a resource in the project area, it has a unique ID. 
I upload the DTA file, I upload the dsx and .dot file. The dta and dsx file have the same names. The stylesheet is called

The dsx does not have any folder paths in the references to the dta or dot

When I upload the dot and dsx, I remove the C:\fakepath\ that gets added, it's just the file name. 

However, when i go to run the report, the dsx file is ignored and the stylesheet is ignored. 

Where am I going wrong?



2 answers

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Anna Kena (11) | answered May 07, 12:54 a.m.
It seems like you have followed the correct steps in setting up the document-style reports in ELM (Setting up document-style reports in ELM from Engineering Publishing templates - IBM Documentation rice purity test) using the Engineering Publishing templates. However, the issue you're facing is that the DSX (Document Style XML) file and the stylesheet (DOT file) are being ignored when you try to run the report.
Some potential reasons for this issue could be:
Incorrect file paths or names in the DSX file's references to the DTA and DOT files.
Permissions or access issues with the uploaded files.
Compatibility issues between the ELM version and the templates.
I'd suggest double-checking the file paths and names in the DSX file, ensuring the files are properly uploaded, and verifying the compatibility of the templates with your ELM version. If the issue persists, you may need to reach out to the IBM documentation team or the ELM support for further assistance.

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