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In which log file we can track the activity like adding users, assigning permission, updating artifact, adding user to project area , revoking and so on?

Gautam Singh (232) | asked Jan 19, 12:49 a.m.

we have configured IBM ELM application 7.0.2 with web application server and now we want to track all activities performed on application in log file.

In which log file we can track the activity like adding users, assigning permission, updating artifact, adding user to project area , revoking and so on.

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Davyd Norris (2.4k217) | answered Jan 19, 1:22 a.m.
This information is tracked in different places:
 - adding users will be tracked in the logs of your directory system, whatever you are using
 - project area admin tasks like assigning permissions and adding users is tracked in the audit history of each project area
 - updating artefacts is tracked in the History or Audit log of the artefact itself
Gautam Singh selected this answer as the correct answer

Gautam Singh commented Jan 19, 1:31 a.m.

 Hi Norris,

I get this, but my question is , can we track all these activities at one particular place or any particular log files?

Davyd Norris commented Jan 19, 10:28 p.m.

No - they are completely unrelated activities done by completely different parts of the system, so you won't get them in one single log file

Gautam Singh commented Jan 22, 1:13 a.m.

Thank you, Norris, for helping me out with this information. 

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