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How is the adress to fetch changed resources in a change set in DNG?

Antje Rößle-Tuchel (294) | asked Nov 24 '23, 3:28 a.m.

 I' am Fetching the change sets using this adress:

Accept: application/rdf+xml
OSLC-Core-Version: 2.0
Content-type: application/rdf+xml

and get a response with the content of the change set. But there are not listed a uri which allwos to fetch the changed artifacts.

I' ve tried multiple adresses, but it does not work, like:
GET  https://example/rm/configSelections/changeset/[changeset-Uri]

The answer is always: 404 Not found and Could not retrieve IConfigurationDetails for URI

Thank you for any help

Ralph Schoon commented Nov 27 '23, 7:55 a.m.
  1. Antje,

When I looked at the change sets in RM, here what I noticed:

  1. The change set API is not an OSLC API it is an API like the other server APIs, it is just not documented
  2. There is no public compare/diff API I am aware of

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