Is this a bug? how to solve it?
When doing a RestAPI "Get" on query capability link for Automation adapter
This return the list of adapters but it also reset all adapters' heartbeat timestamp to the time of Doing Get Method
as a result in adapter console all adapters show green indicator that all adapter are connect even though no adapter is actually connected to ETM. afterward after a minute or so the indicator chenge to alert and then red square icon and and connection status changed from moment ago to 1 minute a go etc as normal procedure as if adpter disconnected.
interestingly, if I use oslc.where filter it only reset heartbeat of adapters which that filter contains but not all adapter.
I use ETM 7.0.2 ifix 11
Doing Get both in browser & java code behavior is the same
Then How can I get the list of adapters+ related info without this side effect?
Thank you in advance :)