Where can I find details on migrating from DOORS 9 to DOORS Next Gen 7.0.2?
Accepted answer
Hi Carol
The DOORS documentation on migration to DOORS Next is here https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/engineering-lifecycle-management-suite/doors/9.6.1?topic=administering-migrating-data-rational-doors-next-generation
The DOORS Next side of migration is documented here https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/engineering-lifecycle-management-suite/lifecycle-management/7.0.2?topic=files-importing-migration-package
The docs say the migration is incremental so you can export a few modules leaving stuff behind and with the next migration package bringing that stuff into DN links are correctly migrated/recreated. But the docs also say not to simply bring everything across; migration is a good opportunity to refine the content you'll use in DN.
As a rule of thumb the size of migration packages is similar to reqif export of the same content - as the default import size limit for reqif imports to DN is 50MiB that could be a starting point for maximum size of the exported migration package.
You should probably run a smaller-scale trial migration?
I'm sure if you need detailed guidance or assistance with migration then Expert Labs can help you.