Not able to see Implemented by link in GET response of artifact in DNG
Hi team,
I am working on RTC 7.0.2 SR1 and I am trying to get the details of specific artifact using GET API call like below:
Method: GET
API: https://servername/rm/resources/BI_Dlbl4AqtEe69NrAZG_EKYw?oslc_config.context=https%3A%2F%2Fservername%2Fgc%2Fconfiguration%2F1066
This artifact is having implemented by link to one of story created in RTC.
Method: GET
API: https://servername/rm/resources/BI_Dlbl4AqtEe69NrAZG_EKYw?oslc_config.context=https%3A%2F%2Fservername%2Fgc%2Fconfiguration%2F1066
This artifact is having implemented by link to one of story created in RTC.
But in response, I am not able to get that artifact link details.
Can you please let me know is any other API or method we need to get these link details
Accepted answer
That's because the implemented by relationship is stored on the work item and not the requirement, and references the concept resource of the requirement. DN does not manage that relationship. See and oslc_cm:implementsRequirement
Jun 21 '23, 3:41 a.m.Hi team,
David Honey
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 21 '23, 3:42 a.m.No. In OSLC, each data provider is responsible for the data it persists. If you want to update data persisted by a specific data provider, you have to perform the PUT on that data provider's resource URI.