EWM 7.0.2SR1 fails on Eclipse 2022-12 (4.26) and up due to removed SWTObservables
Failed to create the part's controls
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/jface/databinding/swt/SWTObservables
Accepted answer
Thanks for your the observation. I will close the question as there is nothing that could be done. Also, issues with installing EWM into the latest versions of Eclipse and using different Java versions are not unheard of.
I'm currently using Eclipse 2021-06 with the EWM p2 install without problems.
When I tried 2021-12, there was a defect that prevented it from working - some context menus were missing. At the time, I was told that Eclipse version was not supported by the EWM p2 client. The official support for Eclipse is documented on the deployment wiki at https://www.ibm.com/software/reports/compatibility/clarity-reports/report/html/softwareReqsForProduct?deliverableId=EDD1D170F4F011E9AB9E8E93B6B03A05&osPlatforms=Windows&duComponentIds=D004|D002|D001|D003|S005|S006&mandatoryCapIds=30|9|24|35|13|132|42|16|26|40&optionalCapIds=133|66|135|7|5|1|187|74|19|137|27|4#.
That information is in the prerequisites section. Note that there is also a limitation to the Java version to be used which will prevent using the newest Eclipse versions, that require newer Java versions.